When roadside emergencies occur, who can you call? There are many things that you don’t expect to happen while going out for a drive. Heavy traffic may hinder you from getting to places on time. A highway accident may bottle up traffic and congested roads. For your case, one of the worst cases that can happen is experiencing a car battery malfunction or depletion.
Imagine driving fine for one minute, and then you can’t power your vehicle. Instead of regular vehicular traffic blocking roads, you are causing some blockages on the way. However, keep yourself calm and take a deep breath. The cause of this emergency comes from different reasons. There are many services ready to give you a jumpstart on the problem.
Battery jumpstart: what does it mean?
Before you start to worry about what to do, there is always a way to power on the battery and temporarily have enough power to drive to an auto center. Once you reach the auto center, you can purchase a brand-new battery for the vehicle. Battery jumpstarts are normal occurrences that you see on the road.
What is a battery jumpstart? A battery jumpstart is a procedure to power the battery enough so you can drive temporarily. Once the battery has the boost to start up the engine, you can drive away to get more serious help.
In a typical jumpstart, another car becomes the alternative power source for the exhausted battery. Connect the batteries with jumper cables and start and restart your vehicle until it functions.
There are many types of jumpstart options. You don’t always need to get a car that is willing to jumpstart yours. You can do the same procedure with a spare battery you carry, a portable jump box, or jump starter kits that you can use to power other devices as well.
Causes of an exhausted battery
While you have options to consider, there are reasons a car battery depletes faster than usual. Unless you are careful and perform regular maintenance habits to a car, expect the battery to last a couple of years.
The car battery is old
It’s possible to make car batteries reach up to 5 years or more in age. With proper care and maintenance driving habits, the battery can keep using and recharging the power and keep your car functional. However, typically, the average lifespan of a car battery is around 3 to 4 years old with daily use.
Various temperature conditions
Temperature conditions can affect the state of the battery and the liquid inside the battery. Car batteries are a bit volatile and tend to change depending on the current temperature. If it’s too hot outside, the conductivity of the battery lessens. On the other hand, if it’s too cold, the battery needs to draw in more power to turn on the vehicle.
Corrosion damage to terminals
Corrosion happens to metal elements and is a very natural process. Corrosion is the process of breaking down over time. Metal terminals tend to degrade over time to form a more stable form. Over time, the corrosion process damages or takes away the function of the terminals, and you are left with a battery that doesn’t work anymore and some rust particles as well.
Personal driving habits
Sometimes, the driver of the vehicle is the problem. If you constantly drive your car, you may be causing the battery for a necessary jumpstart. If you always leave the headlights on and park for longer periods, you’ll need to keep drawing and redrawing power from the battery. Moreover, if you drive for shorter periods, there is no time for the battery to recharge fully for the next drive. Over time, these stack up, and the battery becomes fully depleted.
Do-It-Yourself jumpstart vs. Professional car battery jumpstart: Which one benefits you better?
The top priority question comes, is there a way to do the jumpstart by yourself? The answer is YES. There are DIY methods available all over the internet to help people do a battery jumpstart by themselves.
DIY ways are prevalent, but you may end up risking more than you can count for. Remember, a battery has electric charges. If you end up conducting electricity and causing injuries to yourself, you’ll end up endangering yourself and others and damaging your vehicle as well.
Professionals know what to do to make battery jumpstarts more efficient and right. There are many jumpstart services in different areas. You don’t need to worry about using tools and items that can’t withstand the power boost from another power source. You are not only putting yourself to safety, but you are also keeping your car free from damages, reverse charges, incompatible placements, and mistakes that may cost you your vehicle.
Battery jumpstart services within the vicinity
Many services offer jumpstart services. You can consider automobile centers and services, roadside assistance, and car services. Since a battery jumpstart happens all the time, experts are no strangers to the emergency calls of stubborn cars. Once they know your recount that you can hear the ignition sound, but you can’t start the car, they know what’s going on.
Give us a call immediately if the battery of your ride powers off
We are Trio Towing, and we are available to help you deal with depleted car batteries and perform jumpstart services to start your car. We won’t leave you alone until your vehicle has enough power to start and you can drive to replace the battery with more capable centers. There are many reasons you should choose our team.
First, our team has enough experience to give any car model and vehicle a temporary boost from the absence of a working battery. We are professionals and experts who can get to you in time for roadside assistance.
Second, we do things efficiently, so you don’t need to worry about missing your meeting or canceling an appointment. Time is always of the essence, and malfunctioning transportation may stress you a lot. Don’t worry; we are here for you, ready on short notice.
Lastly, we offer 24/7 availability because we all know that a car battery can deplete at any time. You should get accessible help no matter what time of the night, day, or morning it is.
Give Trio Towing a call at (904) 257 8180, and expect us to be with you shortly!
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